
Regular Machine
What Not to Do
Sewer Responsibilites
Musher Responsibilites

While we know the Iditarod is a great learning experience for young people, we ask that they not be involved in the cutting and sewing of the booties.  If you want to involve your students or youth group in this exciting endeavor, there are several ways in which they can participate.

Sign the booties

*Use a Sharpie marker.

*Do not use red marker--it may be misconstrued as blood.

*Write clever phrases such as "Nomeward Bound," "Happy Trails," "There's no place like

         Nome," or anything else your kids come up with.

Write the sizes on the booties with a Sharpie--again, no red.
Turn the booties right-side-out after you sew them (you'll like this one).
Package for mailing

            *Fold Velstretch back on top of Velcro with three booties.

            *Stack four booties on top of each other, with the three aforementioned ones


            *Wrap the Velstretch from the top bootie around the entire pile and fasten on the

              top bootie's Velcro, covering up as much hook as possible to prevent it from

              sticking to other booties..

            *This makes it much easier for mushers to prepare their drop bags.


For more teaching and learning ideas, please check out www.iditarod.com and click on "For Teachers" or "Learn About."


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